Crown Chakra - I know is the 7th chakra, colour is white or deep purple
Do I connect to my highest self, the universe or source?
Do I have faith and belief my highest self, the universe or source?
Do I take some time to be aware of myself in the present moment? Do I pay attention to my mind body and environment?
Am I transcending perceived limitation? Do I know my true nature?
Am I able to see the big picture?
Do I allow myself to learn explore and grow?
Can I let go of old ideas and perceptions?
Can I learn through my experiences, do I raise questions in order to learn?
Am I able to surrender to something larger then myself, can I allow divinity to express itself through me?
How do they work ? Once placed in a window the energy from the sun will activate the embodiment to manifest the power of your positive intention. The power of the full moon will then cleans it of all its negative energy that it has collected over the course of the month. Positive intentions are not only beautiful unique pieces but they also hold a very special personal power .