Solar Chakra - I do is the 3rd chakra and its colour is yellow
Am I allowing myself to explore, play and be creative?
Can I easily manifest my wishes?
Is my individual identity respected, Do I respect my needs?
Am I in touch with my sexuality? Am I sexually fulfilled?
Do I allow for change and movement can I go with the flow?
Do I allow myself to feel my emotions, are my emotions balanced?
Do I pay attention to my desire, do I allow myself to take pleasure in the small things?
Do I adapt well to changes am I comfortable with the flow of life?
How do they work ? Once placed in a window the energy from the sun will activate the embodiment to manifest the power of your positive intention. The power of the full moon will then cleans it of all its negative energy that it has collected over the course of the month. Positive intentions are not only beautiful unique pieces but they also hold a very special personal power .